Since its original launch in 2005, Republic Commando continues to be a fan-favorite Star Wars game. Speaking further about this re-release, Aspyr co-founder Ted Staloch advised: Pre-order today: /RP9rmecNAO- Nintendo of America February 24, 2021 Lead your squad throughout the galaxy and re-live the legendary campaign with modernized controls when STAR WARS Republic Commando launches for #NintendoSwitch on April 6!

Taking us to the frontlines of Geonosis, you led a special ops unit called Delta Squad as clone trooper RC-1338 - better known as "Boss" - accompanied by three additional Clone Commandos. Originally released back in 2005, Republic Commando brought us a tactical first-person shooter set within the Clone Wars. It's no longer a rumour, as Aspyr Media has confirmed today it's arriving on Switch for April 6th. Having previously released Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy, Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast and Episode 1: Racer on Switch, rumours recently surfaced that Star Wars: Republic Commando would be next in line.

Aspyr Media has made a name for itself lately with Star Wars fans.